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Member Elected Board Member

It's that time of the year when we elect a new Member Board Member! Would you be a good candidate to represent Sparks members on the Board of Directors? Nominate yourself today


"I’ve been a member rep for two years, and it’s been an amazing experience. I’ve been able to influence major decisions, both through the Board of Directors and through the Member Advisory Committee. And both of those groups have benefitted from my unique perspective. On a personal level, running the MAC meetings has taught me leadership skills and built my confidence in speaking in my mind" -Faith Scimone



Member Representation on the Board of Directors:


Two Director seats on the Board of Directors shall be reserved for representatives elected by the membership. These director seats shall be subject to all bylaws, policies, and other regulations that pertain to the Board of Directors and shall have all of the same rights and responsibilities, except:


  • Terms for these two Director seats shall be one year in length.

  • Terms shall be staggered such that one term begins on January 1 and the other term begins on July 1 of each year. Elections for these seats shall be held at least two weeks before the start of the term at any meeting open and advertised to the full membership.

  • Only Spark members in good standing shall be eligible to vote in such elections.

  • Only Spark members in good standing whose election would not exceed the normal term limit for a Director set elsewhere in these bylaws shall be eligible to run in such elections.

  • If either of these Director seats shall become vacant, the Board of Directors may, at its discretion, choose to appoint any Spark member to fill the seat for the remainder of the term.

  • These Director seats shall not be considered Outside Director seats regardless of the membership status of the elected representatives.


General Responsibilities for All Board Members:

  • Duties: Exercise a duty of care, loyalty, and obedience to the organization.

  • Commitment to Mission: Uphold the organization's mission and purpose.

  • Planning and Implementation: Participate in planning processes; assist in implementing and monitoring goals.

  • Programs and Services: Monitor and strengthen the organization's programs and services.

  • Committee Participation: Actively assist one of the Spark Committees.

  • Board Meetings: Attend board meetings scheduled for the first Wednesday of every month at 6 PM

Specific Responsibilities for Member Representatives:​

  • Staggered Terms: Serve staggered terms of six months.

  • Member Council: Help create the Agenda and facilitate the Member Council Meetings (Member Meetings). In the first half of your term, act as a note-taker at Member Council meetings, listening to community needs and communicating these to the board. In the second half of the term, lead Member Council meetings and onboard new Member Representatives.

  • Member Socials Planning: Organize Member socials, meeting on the third Tuesday of every other month from 6-8 PM, alternating with the Member Council.

  • Support: Receive support from the Executive Director and Community Manager as needed.

  • Onboarding: New Member Representatives will be onboarded by the senior member representative.

  • Spark Makerspace Access: The Board will set up a Spark makerspace email address and provide access to appropriate online calendars.





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