Electronics & Technology
Our Electronics Lab has become an oasis for engineers and designers. The space offers workbenches with soldering tools, a 3D printer, testing equipment, spare components and parts, and much more. It has everything you need to build robots and code Arduino or Python. Many of our most passionate members come from our electronics group and you will get to meet, collaborate, and create with like-minded people. The electronics group has hosted a myriad of successful classes, educating members and the general public, making skillsets and tools accessible and affordable. From public demonstrations to hosting a Hackathon, they have opened a door of educational opportunities for the region.
Email: [email protected]
Leads of Electronics
I'm a mad scientist! ROBOTS ROBOTS ROBOTS! Ask me about 3D printing! ​
John S
I love hacking technology, but not in a malicious way! "We make our own uses for things" is a phrase that I try to live by.
Mike M
Hi, I'm Drew. I 'm exploring the limits of what's possible with a Raspberry Pi, a 3D printer, and a soldering iron. Ask me about bash scripts and web development!